
Here’s to Another Great Year and Another Underwhelming Blog Title

After having spent way too much time gathering, converting and uploaded images to include in this year-end blog post, I’ve decided to allow the pictures to do most of the talking. However, there are stories wrapped up in this year that need to be revisited. It all started on year ago when I drove home …

Here’s to Another Great Year and Another Underwhelming Blog Title Read More »

Life’s a little scary sometimes, Thankfully!

It was 2 am on a Tuesday and I quietly tiptoed through the apartment, packing only the essentials. I had wanted to move to Nashville for a while, and my boyfriend was asleep in the next room. If he woke up, my whole plan would be ruined. By 3 am, my car was packed and I was on the road to a place 700 miles away. 12 hours or so later I would move in with a roommate I met on Craigslist, whom I had only talked to over the phone a few times.