Katie Jo Pockat

Back to College: Scoring my Super Bowl Predictions

I broke down each section from my former blog https://katiejopockat.com/my-life/i-bet-my-life-on-you/ and found the predictions, then I added in the extra points which came from my monetary bets. Let’s see how I did. Game Day Weather 2/3 points I looked back on my predictions in the weather section of my last blog and found I had …

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Here’s to Another Great Year and Another Underwhelming Blog Title

After having spent way too much time gathering, converting and uploaded images to include in this year-end blog post, I’ve decided to allow the pictures to do most of the talking. However, there are stories wrapped up in this year that need to be revisited. It all started on year ago when I drove home …

Here’s to Another Great Year and Another Underwhelming Blog Title Read More »

Happy Birthday Inflatable

Half-Birthday, Full Happy: 3 reasons to Celebrate your Half-Birthday

Some of you scoff at the idea of a half-birthday (I’m looking at you Tejas). I want to remind you, they’re real and they’re spectacular! For those of you who don’t realize what a half birthday is, it is the day six months after your birthday. My half birthday is today, October 29th, since my …

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