It had been so long since we’d heard from Confusion Band. Hardly a word had been spoken about that fall day last year… But they finally released the music video almost a full year later! I had to re-read my old blog from over a year ago to remember what all happened that day, but the video depicts it best. Enjoy!
As for the rest of my Halloween experience this year, it went about as well as one could hope. First I went to a pumpkin patch and did a hayride and corn maze. This corn maze only took about 15 minutes to get through and it was during the day with no scares in the middle.

Then, on Halloweekend, I decided to go to a haunted corn maze for my half birthday. Before I left to pick up my friend a mysterious white SUV was messing around by my mailbox. I quickly snapped some pics but didn’t get a plate number. This was not the mailman. Whomever it was, drove right up to the mailbox without putting anything into it.

On my way to pick up my friend for the corn maze, there was a train stuck in the middle of town. One car was on one side of the road and the other was moved to the other side. It looked as if part of the track had come undone while the train was driving over it, leaving the last car stranded. Spooky stuff.
The corn maze was scary right out of the gate. We walked in and there was immediately someone there to scare us. Partway through the maze an actor jump scared me. They startled me so badly that I accidentally threw my flashlight at him as I screamed. Oops. I then had to kindly ask for my flashlight back. Awkward.

After the maze, I tried to find my way back to the highway without the use of my phone’s GPS. That was a bad idea. We ended up getting lost somewhere in the backwoods of Peshtigo. I decided to then turn to the use of my trusty phone to get us home. It led us back to the highway eventually, but not before leading us to a dimly lit and nearly abandoned parking lot of an old pizzeria. My better judgment would’ve had me turned around, but my wicked Halloween mischief kicked in and I convinced my friend that we should check it out. I’m glad I did too because the pizza was great and the worker there was super cool. Plus I was already dressed like a pizza slice, what better place to be?

For the actual day of Halloween I went for sushi with another friend of mine. Afterwards I took myself to the mall to see if I’d run into anyone else dressed up. When I got to the parking lot I found two dollar bills in my parking spot. One of them had a star behind its serial number. It turns out that’s rare and it means the original bill with that serial number had a mistake on it in production. I kept this bill as my lucky dollar. In the mall, as I walked past the Sbarro, the worker behind the counter stopped me and asked me if I wanted any candy. I didn’t even have to say “Trick or treat!”

Here’s the link to my blog Sasquatch Man and the Fatal Escapade:
1 thought on “Sasquatch Man and the Fatal Escapade: Part 2”
Keep up the good work.