Boats and Hoes

The things I find interesting and entertaining confuse my family. I thank God for the internet because it satiates my need for the dumbest (or as I refer to them as the GREATEST) of musings. I may very well be addicted to memes (especially cat memes) and dad jokes. I try my hand at original jokes sometimes on my facebook and twitter accounts. The jokes I come up with usually fetch groans from my mom, a snicker from my dad, and a “Did you write this?” from my friends.

But life in Northeast Wisconsin can sometimes be a meme in itself, especially along Highway 22. For example, just outside of Oconto, WI there is a dinosaur skeleton climbing a tree. A little further along in my hometown of Gillett, there is a faux political sign in someone’s yard that reads “Dogs 2020 Because people suck.” But the greatest attraction along Highway 22 is a small old boat with the words “Boats and Hoes” spray painted on the side of it. The boat is just parked out in the open in the middle of a field outside of Pulcifer. It makes me laugh every time I pass by. Every time anybody in my family drives through Pulcifer I have to ask them, “Is the ‘Boats and Hoes’ boat still there? Thankfully I believe the hoe-boat is there to stay!

My grandma doesn’t understand my obsession with this boat, but I’m sure if you’ve read this far, you’ll get it and appreciate it just as much as I do. And if you are the creator of the hoe-boat I want to extend a gigantic “Thank you!” for creating such a wonderful roadside attraction.

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