Some of you scoff at the idea of a half-birthday (I’m looking at you Tejas). I want to remind you, they’re real and they’re spectacular! For those of you who don’t realize what a half birthday is, it is the day six months after your birthday. My half birthday is today, October 29th, since my actual birthday is April 29th. If you have never celebrated your half-birthday, I hope to give you at least 3 reasons to consider in hopes to convince you.
1. Your whole number age doesn’t increase
If you’re like me, and you’re insecure about getting older, birthdays are bittersweet. Sure it’s a day all about you, but it can also sting knowing that you’re getting older. Half-birthdays are wonderful though, since your age doesn’t increase by another year. It’s all the celebration, none of aging! When it’s your birthday, you’re bound to get at least one person asking how old you are. But with half birthdays, this is rarely the case!
2. You can celebrate a day in the opposite season
There are four seasons. Here in Wisconsin, we experience them all fully, sometimes all in the same day. If you’re a Spring baby, like me, you can lay claim to another day in Autumn. Same for Winter and Summer babies. If you weren’t lucky enough to be born in your favorite season, there is a 33 and 1/3% chance you can have a half-birthday in your favorite season.
3. Just one day to celebrate yourself isn’t enough!
Overall, birthdays are wonderful. You log into facebook and read all the wonderful well-wishes. You patronize your favorite local business and you can get a freebie. Your friends and grandma call you to say, ‘Happy Birthday!” If you go out for dinner, you probably won’t have to buy it yourself! Half-birthdays may not have as many or as big of perks, but those who know you will be sure to make it a special day. Plus, your driver’s license won’t expire either!

Hopefully, now you will think differently about half-birthdays. There are likely many more reasons to celebrate, and I encourage you to add to this list once you start celebrating yourself. My First Blog talks about my very first birthday!
Also on my Half-Birthday, I released my new single “I’m Done.” Listen on Spotify YouTube and everywhere else music is online!