Luis Confusion and Katie Jo

Sasquatch Man and the Fatal Escapade

Earlier in the year, I formed online connections with several other artists across the country and around the world. Daily messages, Instagram shenanigans and several months later, I was finally able to meet a few of them in the flesh. What could go wrong?

It was just a Thursday. It was just an Instagram story. But it led to something far greater, and simultaneously deadly. Confusion Band invited their followers to guest star in their music video for Sasquatch Man. The only details they divulged was to dress in clothes you didn’t mind ruining because Sasquatch would destroy us… Innocent enough, right? I thought so too.

After deciding to take advantage of my one weekend off work this year to drive down to Chicago to be in the shoot, I urged another musician and dear online friend of mine, Lui Salazar to come along. I could barely contain my excitement the night before, getting only 4 hours of sleep. At 5:30 am Saturday morning, I hit the road to Chicago, not knowing my life would never be the same.

I rolled into Lui’s driveway around 3 hours later, about to meet him for the first time in person. A tall man with shaggy hair and dark glasses emerged from the house. It was Lui alright, but he seemed…. taller. Much taller. He greeted me with a hug and welcomed me into his house, leading me across a plywood platform and up the step into a giant house. Inside, his dog barked with anticipation. I set my gifts of Frankencheese and SweeTango apples on the kitchen counter. There was little time for formalities though, for we had to return to the road if we were to make the shoot in time. We had no idea what we were to encounter.

Too Be Continued in a future blog…

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3 thoughts on “Sasquatch Man and the Fatal Escapade”

  1. Pingback: Sasquatch Man and the Fatal Escapade: Part 2 | Katie Jo Pockat

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