Here’s to Another Great Year and Another Underwhelming Blog Title

After having spent way too much time gathering, converting and uploaded images to include in this year-end blog post, I’ve decided to allow the pictures to do most of the talking. However, there are stories wrapped up in this year that need to be revisited.

It all started on year ago when I drove home from my friend’s house and turned on WIXX to find out what song they chose to end the year on. “Bang” by AJR, ‘Let’s go out with a bang.’ Very fitting choice. And then to follow it up with “I should probably go to Bed” by Dan + Shay, genius. The rest of the year blew by in a whirlwind. I experienced my first hoar frost, at least to my knowledge.

Then who could forget Bernie and the supreme awesomeness of his gloves! Or was it the bundled up pose that led to his being immortalized by a stream of memes?

Valentine’s Day had a special surprise when my Canadian taught me how to make some sort of delicious breakfast! It was also nice to spend Valentine’s morning with friends. We’ll not mention the other things I tried to cook this year, as they didn’t turn out as great. I’ll leave a picture though! The cooking story can be seen on my instagram account. @KatieJoPockat

Somewhere along the year, I grew to love myself, and I know I owe so much of that growth to my new friends.

Because of my growing confidence, I’ve been able to say yes to activities and events that I maybe never would’ve had the courage to try recently. One including meeting online friends in person. I did a music video shoot (as you may remember) with some friends from Chicago. I also spent Thanksgiving with my long time friend from Pennsylvania. Who could forget the Great Designer Shoe War? I also met up with my long time friend in Indiana on my way home from Thanksgiving.

There was also a brand new member added to my family, making me an aunt for the first time!

Also, this year, at the direction of one of my new best friends, I began reading books. I ended up reading 24 different books this year from the library. That’s 23 more than last year. I saved $588.60 by loaning them, though I’m not sure how accurate that number is. I’ve been a library bum for about 3 years, but this year has been extra fun. I also read to my residents at work and we’re currently in the middle of a Kitty Couture Mystery series.

Also this year, theaters began opening up for shows. I made it back up to my Alma Mater to see a play put on by Theatre on the Bay and I also won tickets to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra in Green Bay. I also did some dressing up, as is to be expected from me.

Lest not we forget my music. After all, this is the whole reason I’m doing this blog. I released 4 singles and a collaboration this year. Spending all my Boyfriend’s Money became my first studio recording to make it onto FM Airwaves on Friday, April 2nd on WLST Cat Country. I am just now realizing the significance that the radio station who played me loves cats!

Thank you to all who helped make this year so fantastic. In the new year I would like to make my blog a more steady routine. I ran out of year, I’ll try to do better next year!

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